Group Collector allows you to collect new Facebook Group member answers — including their emails — and save them into your Google Sheet and autoresponder.
Facebook does not give you access to Group member answers once they are approved.
You would have to copy each member’s answer manually before approving, which could be very time-consuming.
Group Collector solves this problem by collecting new Facebook Group member answers when they are approved.
You can view member answers and other valuable data in the Google Sheet attached to your Facebook Group in Group Collector.
Email in the member answers is also added to your favorite email marketing software without Zapier. Group Collector Directly Integrates with 35+ Autoresponders.
You can then send welcome emails to new members by using automation in the email marketing software.
You can also set up Group Collector Auto Approve & Decline Feature, which allows you to auto-approve and decline new group members based on your specific criteria without a single click.
Get lifetime access to Group Collector now!